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Working with Loading Service

If you need a more sophisticated way to handle loading states, for a better integration with Angular dependency injection, you can use a loading service that will expose the loading store api's.

Using with components

To use the loading service with angular components and dependency injection you must provide the service into the component provider invoking the static componentProvider method of LoadingService. The loading service is subscribed to throughout the lifecycle of the component, and it will manage all your loading subscriptions.

import { LoadingService } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';

type ComponentAction = 'add' | 'reload';

selector: 'app-example',
template: ``,
providers: [
LoadingService.componentProvider<ComponentAction>(['add', 'reload']),
export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
readonly loadingStoreState = this.loadingStore.state;
readonly isAdding$: Observableb<boolean> = this.loadingStoreState.add.$;
readonly isReloading$: Observable<boolean> = this.loadingStoreState.reload.$;

private readonly http: HttpClient,
private readonly loadingStore: LoadingService<ComponentAction>
) {}

With this setup you get a LoadingRegistry with the following methods:



Wrap the loading operator in the source observable. This allows to update the loading state of the given property automatically after each emission and on complete.

import { LoadingService } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';

type ComponentAction = 'add' | 'reload';

export class ExampleComponent {
private readonly http: HttpClient,
private readonly loadingStore: LoadingService<ComponentAction>
) {}

add() {
this.loadingStore.load(() =>'/', {}), 'add').subscribe();


Set the loading state of the given key to true, then change it to false when the source complete or there is an error.

import { LoadingService } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';
import { OnInit } from '@angular/core';

type ComponentAction = 'add' | 'reload';

export class ExampleComponent implements OnInit {
private readonly http: HttpClient,
private readonly loadingStore: LoadingService<ComponentAction>
) {}

ngOnInit(): void {'/', {}).pipe(this.loadingService.track('add')).subscribe();


Listen to the changes of the given loading state property.

import { LoadingService } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';

type ComponentAction = 'add' | 'reload';

export class ExampleComponent {
readonly isAdding$: Observable<boolean> =

constructor(private readonly loadingStore: LoadingService<ComponentAction>) {}


Listen to the state changes of the given properties and return true if it finds a state which is currently loading.

import { LoadingService } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';

type ComponentAction = 'add' | 'reload';

export class ExampleComponent {
readonly isAddingOrDeleting$: Observable<boolean> =
this.loadingService.someLoading(['add', 'reload']);

constructor(private readonly loadingStore: LoadingService<ComponentAction>) {}
someLoading can listen to all properties!

If you need to listen to all changes of the loading store state, you can provide an empty parameter to the someLoading method.

Using with modules

There are some scenarios when you may need to provide the loading service at the root or in a feature module, for example when using a global state manager like NGRX. You can do it calling the ReactiveLoadingModule.forRoot or ReactiveLoadingModule.forChild methods.

Registering root loading service

To register a loading service at the root of your application, you must add the ReactiveLoadingModule.forRoot() method with the array of the properties that will be tracked.

import { ReactiveLoadingModule } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';

type RootLoadingActions = 'globalReload';

imports: [
export class AppModule {}

Registering feature loading service

For feature modules you must register your loading service by adding the ReactiveLoadingModule.forChild() method in the imports of your NgModule with the service options.

import { ReactiveLoadingModule } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';

type TodoLoadingActions = 'addTodo' | 'removeTodo' | 'reloadTodo';

imports: [
ReactiveLoadingModule.forFeature(['addTodo', 'removeTodo', 'reloadTodo'], {
standalone: false,
export class TodoModule {}

Custom module configuration

Using the ReactiveLoadingModule allows you to provide extra configuration params in addition to loading store options.

export interface LoadingStoreModuleOptions extends LoadingStoreOptions {
* When true, log all loading state changes to the console.
* Use for debugging.
logger?: boolean;
* The name of the provider. Useful for named logs.
name?: string;

Event logger

With the event logger, there will be a default eventListener to the loading store that will log all loading property changes automatically in the console. Providing the name option, the log will include also that will name it.

// feature.module.ts
imports: [
ReactiveLoadingModule.forFeature(['addTodo', 'removeTodo', 'reloadTodo'], {
standalone: false,
name: 'FeatureModule1',
logger: true,
export class FeatureModule {}