Listen to the state changes of the given properties and return true if it finds a state which is currently loading.
import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
import {LoadingStore, LoadingStoreState} from 'ngx-reactive-loading';
const someLoading: <
Loaders extends readonly [
...(readonly (
| LoadingStore<readonly PropertyKey[]>
| LoadingStoreState
| Observable<boolean>
>(loaders: Loaders): Observable<boolean>;
- The array of observables, loading store or states that will be listened.
Listen to loading store or properties changes
import { createLoadingStore, someLoading } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';
// Creates the loading store
const loadingStore = createLoadingStore(['add', 'remove', 'clear']);
// Observes loading store state
const isSomeLoading$ = someLoading([loadingStore]);
// Observe loading properties state
const isAddingOrClearing$ = someLoading([loadingStore.add, loadingStore.clear]);
Listen to observable changes
import { createLoadingStore, someLoading } from 'ngx-reactive-loading';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
// Creates the loading subjects
const loadingAdd$ = new Subject<boolean>();
const loading$ = new Subject<boolean>();
// Observes the observables states
const isLoading = someLoading([loadingAdd$, loading$]);
someLoading signature overloading
You can pass both properties and loading store states as someLoading